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RMP's Ann Arbor Gelman Dioxane 1,4 Plume Map

Hide/Unhide Wells By
Well Type
  • All Wells
    • WTP Ann Arbor Water Treatment Plant
    • Monitoring Wells
    • Extraction Wells
    • Miscellaneous Wells
    • Residential Water Wells
    • Injection Wells
    • Surface Water Sampling Locations
    • TS Treatment Systems
    • MPS Montgomery Pump Station
    • Abandoned Wells

Polygon Features:
  • All Plume Polygons (2015 & 2020)
    • Rockwell Plume Polygons (2020)
      • >5000 ppb
      • 3000 to 5000ppb
      • 1900 to 3000ppb
      • 1000 to 1900ppb
      • 500 to 1000ppb
      • 280 to 500ppb
      • 150 to 280ppb
      • 85 to 150ppb
      • 0 to 7.2ppb
    • SRSW.org Plume Polygons (2015)
      • >2000ppb
      • 1000 to 2000ppb
      • 500 to 1000ppb
      • 250 to 500ppb
      • 85 to 500ppb
      • 85 to 250ppb
      • 0 to 7.2ppb

Polyline Features:
  • All Polyline Features
    • Groundwater Well Prohibition Zones
      • 2011 Prohibition Zone
      • 2021 Prohibition Zone
    • Surface Water Features
      • Honey Creek & Outfall tributary
      • Sister Lakes
      • Barton Pond
      • City Water Intake
      • Allen Drain System
Map Legend
    • WTP Ann Arbor Water Treatment Plant
    • Monitoring Wells
    • Extraction Wells
    • Miscellaneous Wells
    • Residential Water Wells
    • Injection Wells
    • Surface Water Sampling Locations
    • TS Treatment Systems
    • Abandoned Wells

Data query functionality will go here. The entire objective of RMP maps is to connect the data to our query engine. RMP does a lot of big data queries using the Google Maps API for you to be able to see what you see. But the real power of RMP's software is to give you the ability to query in detail exactly what you want to see.

Maybe you see something in the data that no one else does. Maybe you are looking for something but you need to query explicit details to really get at what you want. Maybe you want to add data or photos to the dataset. All these things are possible with RMP maps. Our software construction is slow because we have approx zero revenue for the past few years. If you could make a tax deductible donation to our small Michigan based 501(c)3 organization, you could be a big help in getting more features out to the public. RMP maps are always free to everybody to use or cite in their research projects.

Coming soon, this map and every RMP map will have data querying functionality that will allow you or your students to query data to see what you want to see. Email Matt Wandel at respectmyplanet@gmail.com to ask me any questions if you think I can be of help if you want to use RMP maps in your classroom or curriculum. My wife is a school teacher in Novi Michigan & I know a lot of you teachers out there want some cool new stuff to let your kids learn about science, hydrology, geology, energy, economics, and more. RMP maps can help your students understand the world of science & energy in an interactive and fun way.

Thank you for checking out our website.