North American Hydrogen Hydrogen Infrastructure
Station Type
All North American H2 Infrastructure
Gas Station
- Car / Light Duty Truck
- Bus
- Truck
- Rail
- Research Facility
- University
- Military
Production & Distribution
- Production & Liquefaction
- Production Gas
- Transfill
- Underground Storage / Other
- Manufacturing
Gas Station
Planned Public Hydrogen Refueling Station
Open Public Hydrogen Refueling Station
Planned Private Hydrogen Bus Refueling Station
Open Private Hydrogen Bus Refueling Station
Planned Private Hydrogen Truck Refueling Station
Open Private Hydrogen Truck Refueling Station
Research Facility Hydrogen Refueling Station
University Hydrogen Refueling Station
Military Hydrogen Refueling Station
Production & Liquefaction
Other Hydrogen Refueling Station
Hydrogen Station Temporarily Unavailable
Rail Station
Fuel Cell Manufacturing
The blue polylines on the map represent the new (May 22, 2020) data for Hydrogen Round 1 & Round 2 Alternative Fuel Corridors. Data Source: FHWA Office of Natural Environment, Sustainable Transport and Resilience Team.
Click on a polyline to see a "1" or "2" representing Round 1 or Round 2.
Keep checking back here as there are a ton of new features & location points coming soon. So exciting :)