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California H2 Stations Coming Soon

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Under Construction

Approval to Build

Planning Approval

Permit in Process

Pre Permitting

Proposed Location

Currently Offline

RMP updates the data for this map on the 1st of each month.

Map Legend

Station is commissioning meaning that it is almost ready to open to the public and move to the SOSS map of open stations in California

Station is currently under construction and should be commissioning soon

This station is through the entire approval process and construction should begin soon

This station has received a permit and final construction approval is coming soon

This station is currently going through the permit process

This station is currently going through the feasability process to see it is worthy of receiving a permit

This location is proposed for future hydrogen refueling station

This station was previously permitted, built, and operational but it is "currently offline". It may be coming back to operational status soon. Check the SOSS message on this station's homepage to see more information.

Blue polylines (like those below) represent Hydrogen Round 1 & Round 2 Alternative Fuel Corridors. Source: FHWA Office of Natural Environment, Sustainable Transport and Resilience Team.

This map shows stations with approved funding appropriations in various statuses of development. At first, a station is planned for a location. After that, a permitting process begins. Later, construction begins on the station. After the station is built, it goes through a commissioning process of test refuels and other checklist items for readiness. When the station opens, it will no longer show on this map but you can find it on RMP's real-time SOSS status map by clicking the link below.

Check out some of RMP's other maps by clicking the links below.

RMP's Real Time SOSS Status Map of all California Hydrogen Stations Open to the Public

RMP's Map of all Hydrogen Infrastructure in North America

RMP's Map of Ann Arbor's Dioxane 1.4 Pollution Plume