The 2015 full year petroleum production numbers are, according to RMP estimates, 98% reported. That means it’s time to review a whole host of tables and graphs showing you the top hydrocarbon producers in the Michigan Basin for 2015. Check out this annual production summary to see what got produced and where in Michigan. Also, a new feature added to our annual production summary is the estimated revenue generated by operator based on advanced calculations you’ll only find on RMP.
Michigan Oil & Gas Monthly – March 2016
It was the slowest of times, it was the busiest of times. The first quarter of 2016 has been the slowest ever in Michigan oil & gas activity as it relates to new applications and permits. But, it has been the busiest time ever for applications and permits to connect Michigan Antrim wells up to vacuum systems. Click here to read more about oil & gas activity through the first quarter of 2016. Next month, RMP will recap the 2015 production numbers for the year.
Landfill #27 At Wurtsmith Air Force Base
Check out our interactive map of ground water contamination at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda, Michigan. RMP considers Wurtsmith on our top 10 list of environmentally contaminated hot spots in the Michigan Basin. Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in fish surrounding WAFB were so high that Michigan Department of Community Health issued fish advisories immediately after receiving the data on May 2, 2012. Samples collected (by MDEQ) during the December 2011 investigation indicate elevated levels of PFCs in the groundwater, ranging from about 280 ppt (LF27 GP25) to 3,900 ppt (LF27 GP31). Read more by clicking through and check out our interactive Google Map of the WAFB site.
2014 Top Oil, Gas, & NGL Producing Units in the Michigan Basin
RMP’s mission is basically to do what is right for water. Protecting fresh water is important. Fresh water is key to life and happiness. Without fresh water we have nothing. But, we need energy. All forms of energy production require water. Producing energy for profit can foster motivations that put acquiring personal wealth above that of protecting community water sources. Understanding economic motivations can be complex but RMP is up to the task as economics is our strongest subject. Join RMP as we journey to learn energy economics.