This quarterly report chronicles key H2 infrastructure developments & stories from the past three months and is published on the last day of the quarter.  Each key news item  will be highlighted with a synopsis of the key event, a link to the story, and a link to its location on RMP’s Google map of hydrogen infrastructure across the USA & Canada if applicable.   Simply click the map link to go directly to a zoomed in map marker on RMP’s map of H2 infrastructure.  The marker on the map will be used as a virtual data repository for that specific location (like a Wiki page for that location).  If you want to learn more about what’s going on at that location, you can go to its homepage to get all information available for that location.

After the link section of this post, there is a summary of quarterly FCEV registration numbers in the USA.  Click here if you want to jump to the FCEV registration data.

Below are the story links and links to RMP’s map showing the physical locations.

January 10, 2022 – The Yaphank Fuel Cell Park at the Town of Brookhaven landfill is open, generating 7.4 megawatts of energy from three SureSource 3000 carbonate fuel cell power plants, Supervisor Ed Romaine announced.  Since this electricity is made from RNG and solar panels, it’s 100% green.  It could even be argued that this facility is carbon negative because it uses GHGs to make energy that would have otherwise been vented to atmosphere.
According to Brookhaven Township, the fuel cell facility will provide continuous reliable electricity to the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) system in Yaphank and will provide sufficient power for 7,500 homes.

Click Here to See this Location on RMP’s Map

January 13, 2022 – Kenworth rolls out battery-electric, fuel-cell-electric trucks for demonstrations.   Story about engineers working on Class 6, 7, & 8 heavy duty zero emission hydrogen fuel cell trucks.   The PACCAR Technical Center in Sunnyvale, CA is a research & development location for battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell heavy duty trucks; this location has been added to RMP’s map of USA & Canadian hydrogen infrastructure at the link below the story link.

Click Here to See this Location on RMP’s Map

January 18, 2022 –  The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus Council (HFC Bus Council) has formed a first-of-its-kind national coalition of public transit agencies, manufacturers, and suppliers working together to advance the hydrogen fuel cell electric bus economy and its applications in the public transit sector. Founding members include MTD, SunLine Transit Agency, Stark Area Regional Transit Authority, Foothill Transit, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Utah Transit Authority, Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo), Interurban Transit Partnership (The Rapid), Intercity Transit, Sangamon Mass Transit District, Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, NFI Group, ENC, Hexagon Purus, Trillium, Ivys Energy Solutions, and Ballard.

January 19, 2022 – Canadian Pacific announces it will “significantly increase” its order for #hydrogen fuel cells from Ballard for North America’s first zero emission freight train.   RMP has mapped the train route from Calgary in the north to Lethbridge in the south.  Check out our map and zoom in to see it.  Story about the increased purchase order from CP to Ballard below

January 19, 2022 – Detroit’s own General Motors announces their 150kW EMPOWER hydrogen fuel cell charger for BEVs.  The charger will consist of 8 Hydrotec cubes and be capable of charging 4 BEVs at a time and will charge up to 100 BEVs before the hydrogen needs to be topped off again.   These hydrogen fuel cell chargers make charging a BEV off-grid with renewable energy possible.   There is still not a single off-grid renewable fast charger in the world using solar or wind energy.  Hydrogen fuel cells will finally offer the opportunity for BEV drivers to charge with off-grid renewable energy.

January 24, 2022 – Canadian Pacific tweets video of the first hydrogen freight train in North America with planned route between Calgary and Lethbridge.

February 3, 2022 – Alliance wants to make Western Pa. a hub for hydrogen production and carbon storage.  US Steel, EQT Corp., Shell Polymers, Mitsubishi Power, Norway-based Equinor, GE Gas Power, and Marathon Petroleum Corp. are teaming up for hydrogen production and carbon capture.

February 17, 2022 – Southern California Gas Company is submitting an application to build a 10 to 20GW electrolyzer and 25 to 35GW of new and curtailed wind and solar, along with 2GW of energy storage, to deliver green hydrogen to the Los Angeles Basin.  The most remarkable thing amongst so many remarkable things in this article is “delivered” hydrogen at $1.50/kg by 2030.

February 21, 2022 – Air Liquide To Develop Its Largest Biomethane Production Facility in Rockford, Illinois.  With estimated production of 380 GWh of energy per year from renewable waste that would otherwise vent to atmosphere as potent CH4 greenhouse gas.

February 24, 2022 – Governors of Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Colorado sign a memorandum of understanding agreeing to pursue hydrogen hubs in their respective states as contemplated by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Pub. Law 117-58 (Act).  This is big news and starts to build blocks of hydrogen infrastructure that connect California with New York.  Once a single route interstate hydrogen highway reaches from California to New York, hydrogen proliferation and adoption will accelerate.

March 3, 2022 – The Indystar News publishes a story about bus agency Indygo trialing a hydrogen fuel cell bus borrowed from Sunline Transit Agency in Thousand Palms California.   Sunline is one of the original hydrogen bus operators and has been a big part of the reason FCEBs are catching on all over the country and world.

FCEVs Registered in the USA

FCEV registration reporting lags behind about two months.  So for example, 12/31/2021 data gets published by IHS Worldmarkit about the second week in February 2022.  Therefore, 12/31/2021 is the most current data RMP can report on 03/31/2022.  The tables below show the most current FCEV registration data in the USA by state and in California by county.   California FCEV registrations increased 8.6% quarter over quarter which if annualized would be almost 35% growth.   As RMP has written about in the past, Air Liquide’s North Las Vegas hydrogen liquefaction plant is now online as of Q1-2022.  The plant will produce about 30 tons of liquid hydrogen per day which is enough for about 40,000 drivers.    We should see that growth in the California market over the next few quarters.

Below is a table of all FCEVs registered in the USA as of the latest information published from IHS Markit.

FCEVs registered in the USA as of 12/31/2022 which is the latest data available as of 3/31/2022.   Oklahoma, Arkansas, and North Carolina are three new states on the table with their first FCEVs registered.

Since California is the driver of the growth percentage of FCEVs in America, RMP likes to look at FCEVs registered in California by county.   Below is a table of FCEVs registered in California by county.

The table above shows FCEV registrations in California by county.  Every single county has increases in FCEVs registered.

Final Thoughts on Q1-2022

Things are happening quickly now hydrogen infrastructure developments.   The whole world is announcing plans to increase hydrogen production to make their country impervious to oil supply fluctuations and oil price increases.   In California, what RMP has been writing about for years is coming to fruition.   We have multiple Gen2 hydrogen refueling stations coming online and Air Liquide’s 30 tons per day liquid hydrogen production is online and dedicated to California drivers.   This is a “never look back” point for hydrogen FCEV growth in America for both cars & trucks.

On February 7, 2022 the Baldwin Park hydrogen refueling station came online in California with a capacity of 1,600kg which is larger than any other public retail hydrogen refueling station in America.   A month later on 3/21/2022 the Hawaiian Gardens station came online with a capacity of 900kg.  Two days later on 3/23/2022 the Orange station came online also with a capacity of 1,600kg.   These new stations opening are monsters compared to the first 50 stations that came online in California.  Each of these stations is capable of refueling 10x as many vehicles as Gen1 stations.

The pieces are in place for rapid growth of hydrogen FCEV registration in California.   Everyone in America is about to get an education in how hydrogen scales and how the price of energy and vehicles drops when you can make your energy domestically.   See you next quarter.






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