Hydrogen Misinformation – Almost All H2 Comes From Fossil Fuels

Battery bro guy

Hydrogen has been used in industry for over 100 years. Hydrogen’s primary industrial roles have been in oil refining and making fertilzer. H2 has a few other smaller industrial uses, but for the most part it’s just those two markets: oil refining and fertilizer. The entire global market is only 94 million tons per year. …

The Truth About Blue Hydrogen

Blue hydrogen is a net zero way of making hydrogen for cars, trucks, boats, ammonia, or anything for that matter. This means a lot of energy produced with no CO2, NOx, SOx, or particulate emissions. Recently some big announcements came out about blue hydrogen investments in Edmonton & Louisiana. These big announcements prompted anti-hydrogen critics to publish misleading and false information maligning blue hydrogen. In this post, we debunk that misleading study bad-mouthing blue hydrogen and talk more about these big investments that mean more net zero energy for Canada & America.

USA’s Public Retail Hydrogen History: A View from Late 2020

The new hydrogen stations opening in California are not like the ones from four years ago, they’re massive. These new stations have 1,200kgs of capacity & can be replenished in a couple of hours and keep on refueling. These new stations mark a step change in hydrogen refueling scale and represent a great time to look back on the USA’s history of retail public hydrogen refueling infrastructure. Check out RMP’s new post chronicling the history of hydrogen refueling infrastructure in California since the very first station all the way up to where we are today.

Zero Emission Ammonia Production from Green Hydrogen

zero emission green hydrogen

RMP’s new post about Zero Emission Ammonia Production from Green Hydrogen examines where we are in August 2020 with regard to scaling production of green hydrogen for green ammonia. Green Ammonia pilot projects are ongoing around the world but in this post, we examine why Australia is the world leader in green ammonia & how they have a big leg up on being an economic powerhouse down under.


RMPs USA & CANADA Quarterly H2 Infrastructure Report for Q1-2020 is off the press. The big story this Q is the new microgrid approval for Toyota’s Project Portal project. Also covered is the opening of the largest fast refueling h2 station in the USA at the Orange County Transit Authority located where MacArthur Blvd bisects the Santa Ana River in Southern Los Angelels. Another big refueling station opened in San Francisco too. Click through to read all about it.

USA’s First Hydrogen Passenger Rail – San Bernadino California

The Redlands Rail Project has commenced in California and soon will host the USA’s first hydrogen powered train. Not only that, Michigan State University played an important role in helping the San Bernadino County Transportation Authority decide on using hydrogen fuel cells. Click through to learn more about the first #hydrail project in America & see RMP’s new Google map of exactly where the new rail project will be located.

Quarterly USA H2 Report Becomes Quarterly USA & Canada H2 Report

RMP is based near Detroit, Michigan.   The Detroit River separates the City of Detroit & the City of Windsor.  The Ambassador Bridge connects the two cities and soon the Gordy Howe International Bridge, a once in a generation undertaking, will be a second major bridge connecting the two cities.  Windsor is my personal connection to …

USA Quarterly H2 Infrastructure Update 2018-Q2

H2 infrastructure is growing all across the USA and especially in California. New H2 stations are planned all across the East Coast too. RMP will now regularly be publishing a quarterly update of H2 infrastructure all across the USA to keep our readers informed of what’s going on. Check out our USA H2 Infrastructure Quarterly Report for Q2 of 2018 and come back each quarter to get a fresh update. Click through to read our latest article.

USA Quarterly H2 Infrastructure Update 2018-Q1

H2 infrastructure is growing all across the USA and especially in California. New H2 stations are planned all across the East Coast too. RMP will now regularly be publishing a quarterly update of H2 infrastructure all across the USA to keep our readers informed of what’s going on. Check out our first ever USA H2 Infrastructure Quarterly Report and come back each quarter to get a fresh update. Click through to read our latest article.