The Word of Faith oil well in Southfield, Michigan is RMP’s top story this month. This November 2016 Michigan Oil & Gas Monthly is the “what to expect when you’re expecting” edition for Southfield residents. This is because RMP is expecting to find out that the Word of Faith 16-27 oil well is going to be a long-term oil producer. One year year ago today the top story was that Jordan Development had filed an application to drill an oil well in Southfield, Michigan at the old Duns Scotus property now owned by Keith Butler’s Word of Faith Ministries. It was a big story because many people in the City of Southfield did not want the well and protested it. Keith Butler, however, who owns the mineral rights to the property, wanted to exercise Continue reading “Michigan Oil & Gas Monthly – November 2016”
Jordan Development’s Word of Faith 16-27 Niagaran Oil Well in Southfield, Michigan
Jordan Development’s Word Of Faith 16-27 Niagaran oil well has been completed and is flow testing as of today November 8, 2016. By the size of that flare, it looks like this well will be a long term producer. The well was completed in October of 2016 which means the well completion report can be FOIA requested in January of 2017. RMP will get the initial production report and well completion reports as soon as they’re available to get the numbers, but I can tell you this much… based on that flare, this well is going to be a long term producer.
Check out the video below and let me know what you think? RMP feels pretty safe making the prediction this well will produce for the next 30 years and Keith Butler is going to make some $$$. Check back to RMP on November 30, 2016 when RMP publishes our Michigan Oil & Gas Monthly magazine. On November 30, 2016 RMP will have a report on what Southfield residents can expect to see happen over the next year and next 30 years with a Niagaran oil well in such a heavily populated area. RMP will post more pictures & videos of the Word of Faith 16-27 well on November 30, 2016 along with pictures of well pad equipment that you’re likely to see arriving in Southfield over the next couple of months if RMP speculation is correct.