Hydrogen Misinformation – Almost All H2 Comes From Fossil Fuels

Battery bro guy

Hydrogen has been used in industry for over 100 years. Hydrogen’s primary industrial roles have been in oil refining and making fertilzer. H2 has a few other smaller industrial uses, but for the most part it’s just those two markets: oil refining and fertilizer. The entire global market is only 94 million tons per year. …

The Truth About Blue Hydrogen

Blue hydrogen is a net zero way of making hydrogen for cars, trucks, boats, ammonia, or anything for that matter. This means a lot of energy produced with no CO2, NOx, SOx, or particulate emissions. Recently some big announcements came out about blue hydrogen investments in Edmonton & Louisiana. These big announcements prompted anti-hydrogen critics to publish misleading and false information maligning blue hydrogen. In this post, we debunk that misleading study bad-mouthing blue hydrogen and talk more about these big investments that mean more net zero energy for Canada & America.

Zero Emission Ammonia Production from Green Hydrogen

zero emission green hydrogen

RMP’s new post about Zero Emission Ammonia Production from Green Hydrogen examines where we are in August 2020 with regard to scaling production of green hydrogen for green ammonia. Green Ammonia pilot projects are ongoing around the world but in this post, we examine why Australia is the world leader in green ammonia & how they have a big leg up on being an economic powerhouse down under.

General Motors Defense LLC – Full Size Fuel Cell Pickup Truck – The ZH2

GM Defense LLC was recently launched & the new ZH2 full size pickup truck platform was introduced at AUSA in Washington DC. In this post, RMP takes a look at the new full size fuel cell vehicle & it’s impressive stats. Click through to check out some pictures & a couple cool videos of these new off road heavy duty fuel cell vehicles.

Debunking Dr. Bossel’s Anti-Hydrogen Thesis

In this post RMP debunks Dr. Ulf Bossel’s anti-hydrogen thesis that has been propagated for years and was even published as recent as October 26, 2017 by Electrek. Dr. Bossel’s thesis says that making hydrogen is wasteful but ironically terawatt hours of electricity are being curtailed or wasted because we are not using that energy to make hydrogen. Read this post if you want to learn why so much energy is being wasted that could be used to make clean green hydrogen.

2016 Michigan Hydrocarbon Production Results January – June

At this point in October of 2016, all the reporting through the first six months of 2016 is complete. RMP has again downloaded, parsed, and analyzed the Michigan hydrocarbon production data for the Michigan Basin. Click through to check out our reporting and graphical analysis of Michigan Basin production. This post’s cover photo was taken 10/21/2016 and is the brand new 700 MW Alpine Natural Gas Power Plant west of Gaylord. Photo Credit: Neo.

Michigan Oil & Gas Monthly – July 2016

This month a group calling themselves the MICATS staged a protest at Attorney General Bill Schuette’s home in Midland, Michigan.  The Detroit News has a story here. For the record, I have never supported extremist groups or individuals like those in MICATS and neither has respectmyplanet.org.  I don’t know them, affiliate with them, or in any way …

Michigan Oil & Gas Production Report January – December 2015

The 2015 full year petroleum production numbers are, according to RMP estimates, 98% reported. That means it’s time to review a whole host of tables and graphs showing you the top hydrocarbon producers in the Michigan Basin for 2015. Check out this annual production summary to see what got produced and where in Michigan. Also, a new feature added to our annual production summary is the estimated revenue generated by operator based on advanced calculations you’ll only find on RMP.